About Me šŸ‘‹

My name is Minh Tri. Iā€™m currently working as a Development Team Lead at Saigon Digital where Iā€™m collaborate with other software developers, marketing analysts and directors to plan, design, develop and maintain website for our enterprise clients worldwide.

I am passionate about developing beautiful, engaging, and high-performance web applications using the latest cloud and web technologies. I am especially interested in Jamstack and modern web tools, so I like to work with Next.js, Gatsby.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, Strapi, Contentful, and Storybook.

Beyond development, I am also interested in design and marketing, and have expanded my knowledge and skillset in these areas throughout my career.

Currently, I'm working on building open-source projects, learning more about design, and working on JAM stack development projects. When I'm not working, I enjoy running. If you'd like to collaborate on any of these projects, or for any other reason, please feel free to reach out to me šŸ’– !